insurance sales strategies

The days are long, the beach is calling, and you’re behind on your sales goals. Don’t worry. With the right insurance sales strategies, you can catch up on your sales goals and still have time to enjoy the warm weather.

It’s Time to Reflect on Your Progress

Summer is associated with vacations and leisure, but it’s also an important time to reflect on your sales goals and the progress you’re making.

The year is about halfway through. If you’re behind on your sales goals, this is your chance to catch up. Realistically, it might be your only chance. Once summer ends, the holiday season is just around the corner. Your prospects will be busy with family engagements, and their budgets will be tied up with holiday-related expenses – it’s hardly the easiest time to meet your sales quota. Then the year will be over.

If you want to meet (or even exceed) your sales goals, now is the time to assess your current progress and determine whether any changes are needed. Like many insurance sales professionals at this point, you may find that you’re behind on your sales goals.

Turn One No into Multiple Yeses

When you’re trying to make more sales, your first instinct might be to work harder – find more prospects, follow up more often, and put in more hours. If you’re not meeting your sales goals because you’re not connecting with enough prospects, this strategy may work. However, if the problem is that you’re encountering too many coverage rejections, reaching out to more prospects could just mean more wasted time.

That’s the other issue – there’s only so much time in the day. To catch up on your sales goals, you need to find a way to work more efficiently.

So what’s an insurance professional who’s behind on their goals supposed to do? Here at DIS, we recommend employing sales strategies that result in a higher rate of success. Even better, turn one no into multiple yeses. Here’s how:

  1. Overcome price objections. Most people would welcome protection for the paycheck; it’s the price they balk at. Disability agents often lose a high percentage of sales to price objections, but with the right strategies, you can turn close the sale.
  2. Make multiple sales at once. Most people need more than one type of coverage. By offering multiple products, you can make multiple sales at once. As an added benefit, this strategy can also increase client loyalty.
  3. Gain easy referrals. Once you have a happy, loyal client, it’s time to explore opportunities for referral business. Most likely, your client knows other people who also need coverage, including their own family members.

Want to learn more about these tactics? The Summertime Selling Sensation toolkit explains exactly how to leverage these strategies. It also includes a client worksheet that makes implementing the strategies a breeze. Download your copy today.


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