What makes some insurance agents more productive than others? Of course, motivation and drive are imperative, but there’s more to it than that. Some highly motivated and well-meaning agents don’t get a lot done in the day. There’s not just one reason to explain this – there are many. Productivity is not about spending more hours working — it’s about making better use of the time you have. Below you’ll find some tips to help you work smarter.
1. Start Each Day with a To-Do List
A to-do list is a lifesaver for every insurance agent. Since many tasks are time sensitive, it’s crucial to have a list of priorities to ensure you never miss a deadline. Start each morning by updating your to-do list and use it to create your schedule for the day.
This simple strategy is the key to ensuring that your time is spent where it should be. To-do lists can also help alleviate the stress that stems from worrying you’ve forgotten something. Plus, it also feels good when you get to check off another item from your list.
2. Follow the Two-Minute Rule
Many of the tasks insurance agents complete on a daily basis require two minutes or less. This includes checking voicemails, responding to emails that only need an answer of a sentence or two, and sorting out paperwork. Although the sheer number of tasks may feel overwhelming, you could be done before you know it if you just tackle them all at once.
The two-minute rule states you should immediately do anything that will take less than a couple minutes. This will keep you productive because you won’t need to put numerous small items on your to-do list and look at them again.
3. Schedule New Tasks as They Arrive
When you receive an email or phone call, it can be tempting to drop everything and take care of the new task. However, this can be disruptive to your day. Unless the task will take less than two minutes – see the previous tip for details on that – you should add it to your to-do list according to its priority.
4. Work in Sprints
If you sit at a desk for eight hours straight, you might start feeling lethargic. To combat this, and keep your mind sharp and alert, try working in short sprints with breaks in between. Most people are able to focus for around one hour, after which they need a 15-minute break. During the break, try to stretch, take a quick walk or do some type of quick physical activity to elevate your heart rate slightly. Also remember to stay hydrated. Also remember to exercise your eyes. Staring at a screen all day can put stress on your eyes, but WebMD says that simple eye exercises can alleviate eye strain. Finally, have some water and remember to stay hydrated.
5. Block Out Prospecting Time Every Day
Schedule a recurring appointment with yourself every day to focus on your most important task, which is prospecting for new clients. Figure out the ideal time slot for this crucial activity. It should be a time when you typically feel energized and you are unlikely to be distracted. However, it also needs to be a time when prospects are available to respond to your emails and calls. Ideally, you should dedicate at least two hours a day. For example, your focus time could be 8 to10 a.m., 1 to 3 p.m. or 6 to 8 p.m. Whatever timeslot you choose, make sure it is blocked out on your calendar and be disciplined about following your plan every day.
6. Batch Your Appointments
Appointments are an essential tool for moving prospects through your pipeline and staying in touch with clients. Nevertheless, they can be disruptive to daily productivity. When you have an offsite appointment, you have to dress nicely, pack your briefcase, drive to meet the client and then commute home, taking up an enormous chunk of the day.
When you get back, you may feel like you need a break, and then the rest of the day is gone before you know it. Instead of scheduling one appointment a day, try batching all your meetings into two or three days each week. You’re already dressed up and in the meeting mindset, so why not make the most of your time out by seeing three clients in a day? Even if most of your meetings take place online, batching meetings is a proven strategy for better time management.
7. Organize Your Desk
You may feel like there are better ways to spend your time than cleaning your desk, but the effects a clean desk will have on your mind mean becoming organized is definitely worthwhile. In the Workplace Organization Survey by Brother, 40% of respondents said an untidy workspace makes them less productive. Furthermore, 25% said having messy colleagues negatively impacts their productivity — meaning a disorganized desk could affect your whole team.
8. Leverage a Wholesaler
An insurance wholesaler can provide carrier connections, training, sales tools, underwriting advice and support you with co-selling. All these things are crucial for improving productivity. If you’re still trying to survive without a wholesaler, you’re missing out.
If you’re selling life and disability insurance, Disability Insurance Services can help you reach your goals and achieve your full potential in insurance sales. Our goal-setting guide provides step-by-step guidance on how to create effective goals, avoid common pitfalls, leverage KPIs to measure your success, and set up a goal setting template and activity tracker. Download your Goal Setting Guide.