insurance sales tools

Can you imagine trying to cut a steak with a spoon, or trying to mow your lawn with just a pair of scissors. To do something right, you need the right tools. If you’re selling disability insurance, the following nine insurance sales tools will make your job easier.

1. Handouts

Handouts are the ultimate sales tool. You can use them in many ways: before meetings as a warmup, during meetings as a way to support your sales pitch, and after meetings as a way to follow up. They can also cover different topics, from giving a basic overview of coverage to providing shocking statistics and compelling reasons to purchase coverage. You can print them out to give to people in person or send them in the mail, or you can use digital copies and attach them to emails. The options are nearly endless – and that means you should have a good variety of handouts ready to go.

2. Infographics

Like handouts, infographics can be used before, during or after your sales pitch, and they can cover a variety of topics. Infographics are particularly useful when you need to explain a complex topic in an easy-to-understand way. For example, if you’ve ever struggled to explain all the different terms in an individual disability insurance policy, you could have benefited from an infographic. The visual nature and pieces of bite-sized information make infographics the perfect education tools.

3. Social Posts

Gallup says that 76% of Americans have used Facebook, 41% have used LinkedIn and 39% have used Twitter. If you want to reach a large audience, social media is a fantastic way to do so.

You can use social media both to stay in touch with current clients and to find new clients. An active social media feed is critical, and posts with eye-catching images are most likely to get noticed.

4. Articles

Articles can provide more in-depth information than handouts. If you want to dive into a topic like the difference between two types of policies, the tax implications of insurance, or buying disability insurance when you have a pre-existing condition, an article can be a good format.

Articles are also a good way to stay top of mind with your audience. For example, you can use consumer-facing articles in newsletters (including electronic newsletters) that you send out every month to stay in contact with your clients and prospective clients.

5. Sales Script

If you want to achieve consistent success, you need to build consistency into your sales process. A proven sales script is a fantastic way to do this. When you use a sales script, you never have to worry about making a bad first impression or leaving out a key point. Of course, you want to sound natural, so you’ll need to practice the script until you can deliver it well.

6. Quote Engine

For many people, the buying process starts with internet research. Having a strong web presence is important so people will find you when they’re looking for information about insurance. You should also have a quote engine. That way, when people are ready to take the next step and get a quote, they can do so easily through your website. You can also install a disability insurance quote engine on in your email signature so people you’re communicating with can get a quote.

7. Needs Analysis

To close a sale, you need to offer a product that matches the individual’s needs. A needs analysis tool can help you do so easily. You can use the needs analysis tool during your client meetings to ensure that you’re capturing all the information you need – such as income, existing benefits, and budget – to craft an irresistible quote.

8. Worksheets

Worksheets are another practical tool to use during meetings. Instead of just guessing at how much paycheck protection a person needs, you can use a worksheet to calculate exactly how much coverage is required.

You can also use a worksheet to calculate multiple levels of coverage, such as income protection that only covers the mortgage or the essentials or a more robust policy that provides as much protection as possible. Then instead of asking WHETHER your prospect wants coverage – a yes-no question that might not go the way you want – you can ask WHICH level of coverage they want.

9. Drip Marketing

No matter how compelling your sales pitch is, some people simply won’t be ready to buy immediately. Maybe they want time to think, or maybe they want to wait until they’re settled in a job. To make the sale eventually, you need to stay in contact, and a drip marketing email campaign is the perfect way to do that.

Get All the Sales Tools You Need in One Place

We’ve covered the nine disability insurance sales tools you need to power your sales process. Don’t worry – you don’t need to create all of these sales tools yourself. We have everything you need ready for you to use. Get your disability insurance sales tools today.