providing paycheck protectionDoes paycheck protection make you nervous? You might not be alone.

Some brokers seem to get uneasy when it comes to bringing up paycheck protection with their clients. Maybe they don’t know what to say. Maybe they’re worried they don’t know enough about the product. Regardless of the reason, they hesitate to broach the topic. As a result, a lot of people go without paycheck protection. For some of these people, the lack of coverage could lead to major financial devastation.

According to the U.S. Census Bureau, 27.2% of people living in the U.S. have a disability. That’s about 85.3 million people. Although disability rates increase with age, working aged people are not immune. In fact, 15.9% of people ages 25 to 34, 19.8% of people ages 35 to 44, and 28.5% of people ages 45 to 54 have a disability.

The high odds of disability make paycheck protection an important discussion. If you’ve been afraid to bring it up with your clients, it’s time to move past this fear so you can give your clients the protection they need.

Conquer the Unknown

For many brokers, a hesitancy to bring up paycheck protection probably stems from a fear of the unknown. You don’t know much about the product or how to broach it, so you don’t want to bring it up.

There’s a simple solution for that problem. With a little education and the right support, you can become an expert in disability insurance.

  • Are you tongue-tied? If you’re not offering disability insurance because you don’t know how to start the conversation, we’ve got just the thing for you. Our legendary disability insurance sales script provides a proven, step-by-step method to get the conversation started. You’ll also get disability statistics, a sales letter, a sales presentation worksheet, an income gap diagram and a waiver of liability form – everything you need to get started.
  • Are you worried you don’t know enough about disability insurance? It’s true – there’s a lot to know about this type of coverage. Before you start selling disability insurance, it’s helpful to know about the various definitions, provisions and riders that will impact your clients’ coverage. But you don’t have to let this stop you from helping your clients while earning a nice commission for yourself. Learn what you need to know with the Disability Insurance Crash Course.
  • Are you afraid to go it alone? You don’t have to! With the DIS Partnership, you get the support of our in-house licensed agents. These services can help you improve your close ratio – and there’s no cost to you.

You might be nervous to start selling disability insurance – but your clients are afraid of the financial devastation that can follow an injury or illness. Conquer your fear so you can help them conquer theirs.