One of the biggest challenges you face in selling DI products is convincing your prospects they need it. Many simply think a disability will never happen to them. Even those who understand some of the risks (or claim to) often sweep paycheck protection under the rug as a “nice to have” luxury. They’ve read the literature and heard the statistics, and you’ve stressed the importance of disability insurance until you’re blue in the face. But they’re still not buying, because it’s just not real to them.
But what if you could show them instead of just telling them?
We all remember show and tell in grade school. And we all know the kids who had something interesting to show always got more applause than those who merely had a story to tell.
So what if your prospects could create their own real-life scenarios that would bring their risks into clear view and make them really hit home? What if they could get their own customized statistics and recommendations?
Now they can.
The Council for Disability Awareness offers three DI Calculators on their website – three powerful tools consumers can use to create “what-if” scenarios and get a clear picture of just how at risk they are.
It’s like giving them a sneak peek into a magic DI crystal ball.
- With the Personal Disability Quotient (PDQ) calculator, your prospects can easily calculate their own personal odds of suffering a disability and get advice on how to prevent a disability from devastating their bank account and their lifestyle.
- The Earnable Income Quotient (EIQ) tool gives your prospects a deeper glimpse into the crystal ball, letting them see what their income is really worth in the long run – and just how much is at stake.
- The Income and Expense Review gives your prospects a clearer picture of where their money is coming from and where it’s going, and gives them a blueprint to create their own personal Disability Security Plan.
How do the calculators work?
They couldn’t be simpler. Your prospects punch in their personal information such as age, height and weight, income, etc., and the calculators do the rest. We’ve created a hypothetical “what if” scenario to demonstrate how it works:
Male | Female | |
Age | 36 | 36 |
Height/Weight | 5’11”, 230 lbs. | 5’7″, 135 lbs. |
Smoker | Yes | No |
Occupation | Office | Office |
Income | $40k/year | $40k/year |
Lifestyle | Average | Very healthy |
Plans to retire at age | 70 | 65 |
Chance of becoming disabled for 3 months or longer during career | 27% | 16% |
Chance the disability would last 5 years or longer | 38% | 38% |
Average length of disability for someone like him/her (in months) | 82 | 82 |
Personal Disability Quotient (PDQ) | 27% | 16% |
Earnable Income Quotient (EIQ) | $2,309,207 | $1,808,754 |
If you want to sell more disability insurance products, you need to show, not just tell. Send your prospects to the Council for Disability Awareness website to give the three DI Calculators a test drive. Letting them peek into the DI crystal ball makes it real and tangible to them. It shows them exactly how vulnerable they really are – their home, their child’s education, their retirement, and everything else their income provides. It might just be the reality check they need to take action.
Need a tried and proven DI sales script? Download our free Wealth Preservation Plan.