five-reasons-for-income-protectionThe Five Reasons for Income Protection handout covers five compelling reasons to purchase disability insurance. Like all our client handouts, it’s a great way to educate clients. That way, you don’t accidentally leave out an important point – perhaps the point that would seal the deal.

But how exactly should you use this handout? Well, just like there are multiple reasons to secure paycheck protection, there are multiple ways to use this client handout. Here are seven for you to try out.

1. Email it as an attachment. Email can deliver a great ROI, and it packs an even more powerful punch when you include this handout. When you email your clients or prospects for whatever reason, simply attach the handout. Be sure to include a short message pointing out some of the interesting points enclosed.

2. Mail it with a letter. If you prefer to send physical communications, you can still use the handout. Simply print a copy and mail it with the letter you’re sending. Although it costs a little more than emailing the attachment, it may also make a bigger impact. A report from the United States Postal Service found that 84 percent of Millennials take time to look through their mail and 64 percent would rather scan their mail for useful email than scan their email.

3. Enclose it with a proposal. Do you ever worry that you’re leaving something out of your proposals? Adding this handout is great way to help make sure you’ve covered all your bases. Your disability insurance quote will be even more convincing if you include this handout.

4. Add it to your life quotes along with a DI quote. Cross-selling can be a great thing. It helps you achieve another sale, and it helps your client secure important protection. If you’re working with a client on life insurance, consider adding a handout along with a complimentary DI quote.

5. Enclose with a thank you note. After a meeting with a client or prospect, it’s great to send a thank you note. In addition to being polite, it’s a good way to confirm the points you’ve made, answer any questions you had to research, or simply stay in your prospect’s thoughts. When you send your thank you, include this handout.

6. Feature it in your newsletter. A newsletter is a great way to stay in touch with multiple clients and prospects while also providing useful education. The only problem is coming up with content to put in your newsletter. If you include this handout, you’ll have one piece taken care of.

7. Use the content to write social posts. Social media is another great way to provide important information while boosting your own online presence. To be successful, though, you need to post regularly, and that means you need content. If you need ideas for social posts, consider taking some of the content from this handout. With five different reasons for disability insurance, you’ll have ample content for multiple posts.

Ready to get started? Get the Five Reasons for Income Protection handout now.