Nothing is certain except death and taxes, but what about disability and taxes? More to the point: is long-term disability insurance taxable? The answer is … it depends. Whether you need to pay taxes on disability insurance benefits depends on how you paid for...
the dis blog
Disability Insurance for Doctors: Why Small Medical Practices Need Business Overhead Expense Insurance
The physician-owned practice is alive and well. Despite the recent growth of larger medical practices, many doctors still work in small practices that they own by themselves or with physician partners. These doctors are also business owners, so they have additional...
What Is Own-Occupation Disability Insurance?
If you’re comparing disability insurance policies, you’ll noticed they have different definitions of disability. This is a big deal. If you ever have to file a disability claim, the definition of disability can determine whether you qualify for monthly disability...
9 Reasons to Add Multi-Life Disability Insurance to Your Practice
Insurance sales agents have a rewarding job. They help others obtain the coverage they need while also earning a good living. When you throw multi-life disability insurance sales into the mix, the rewards multiply. A multi-life disability insurance discount is...
Disability Insurance Occupation Classes
A lot of insurance agents shy away from selling individual disability insurance simply because it can be a complicated product. One reason for the complication is that the rates are dependent upon each client’s occupational risk class. To complicate matters even...
Include DI in Your Annual Financial Review Checklist
Financial health is never static. Because needs and situations change, an annual financial review is a critical tool that helps individuals keep on track with their financial goals. Unfortunately, some reviews leave out the most important component: income protection....
Income Protection for Dentists
Dentists have invested a great deal of time and money into building their earning power and their practices. Many dentists don’t realize there are multiple tools available to protect their income and earning power. Since many dentists are also business owners, solid...
Buying a Disability Insurance Policy? Check These 8 Features First
Agents: Share This Article with Your Clients! Buying a disability insurance policy is a smart way to protect your paycheck. It’s also an investment. Just like you wouldn’t buy a car without thinking about all the features you absolutely need and the features you would...
Protect Your Disability Insurance Clients with a Retirement Protection Rider
The United States may be facing a retirement crisis. Many workers are counting on the fact they will be able to keep working and earning, but a disability can make this impossible. Insurance agents can provide their clients with protection by offering a disability...
Comparing Benefits in Disability Insurance Plans
Are all disability insurance plans the same? Not at all. Multiple disability insurance companies are competing for your business, and they offer a wide range of terms and benefits. This can make comparing benefit options a major task, but overall, it’s a good thing...