the dis blog

The Income Protection Gap Is Growing

The Income Protection Gap Is Growing

People are earning more. Their paycheck protection might not be keeping up. Group long-term disability benefits often include monthly caps that severely limit the amount of protection available to high-income earners. As inflation and wages increase, the income...

Riding the Life Insurance Sales Wave

Riding the Life Insurance Sales Wave

The pandemic has sparked increased interest in life insurance. For insurance agents, this is an obvious opportunity to help people get the coverage they need while earning a nice commission. The opportunity might be even bigger than you realize. Here’s what you need...

Sales Psychology: Can Meditation Grow Sales?

Sales Psychology: Can Meditation Grow Sales?

Do you feel unfocused or unmotivated? You’re not alone. Burnout is on the rise, and many people are struggling with it. For sales professionals, this can lead to fewer sales and less income. Obviously, that’s not the outcome you want, so it’s time to try something...

Best Disability Insurance for Self-Employed People

Best Disability Insurance for Self-Employed People

Unless you’ve been living under a rock, you’ve probably heard about the Great Resignation and the current worker shortages. What you might not know is that many people aren’t just quitting for another job. They’re leaving behind traditional employment in order to go...

Brokers: Should Your 2022 Lineup Include LTCI?

Brokers: Should Your 2022 Lineup Include LTCI?

The United States may be facing a long-term care crisis. Long-term care insurance (LTCI) can provide a solution, but not all insurance agents offer it. If you’re considering adding LTCI to your 2022 lineup, here’s what you need to know. The Long-Term Care Crisis The...

2022: Your Insurance Prospecting Plan

2022: Your Insurance Prospecting Plan

The New Year is here. Is your action plan ready? Don’t wait around for success to fall into your lap. Take steps now to increase the odds of having your highest insurance sales ever. Step #1: Reflect on What Worked and What Didn’t We can all be creatures of habit, so...

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