the dis blog

The Night Before Christmas – DI Style

The Night Before Christmas – DI Style

Twas the night before Christmas, at a new prospect’s house My client wasn’t interested, not even his spouse; The applications were placed by the chimney with care, In hopes that their signatures, soon would be there.   Their children were nestled all snug in...

Why You May Want a Blog on Your Insurance Website

Why You May Want a Blog on Your Insurance Website

A website has become a must-have for financial and insurance professionals. We’ve covered three website options that you can use to upgrade your digital presence. Now we want to tackle a common question: should your website include a blog? Here’s why you should...

Why Law Firms Need DI

Why Law Firms Need DI

Like doctors, dentists, engineers and other highly-paid professionals, attorneys desperately need individual disability insurance. While their work is admittedly cerebral and sedentary, it requires advanced cognitive thinking, consulting and reasoning – capabilities...

Taking Your DI Practice Digital: 3 Website Options

Taking Your DI Practice Digital: 3 Website Options

Independent agents and financial planners: How would you rate your website? If you don’t have a website or your site was built more than 10 years ago, here’s a wakeup call: You’re about to get left behind. The pandemic has accelerated the public’s use of digital...

Do You Believe These Four LTCI Myths?

Do You Believe These Four LTCI Myths?

Myth #1: Long-Term Care insurance is an expensive product. Reality: It’s important to think of Long Term Care Insurance (LTCI) as a strategy not a product. Investments like stocks, bonds, IRAs and mutual funds are created to provide you income during retirement. Most...

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