the dis blog

5 Ideas for Overcoming Insurance Sales Objections

5 Ideas for Overcoming Insurance Sales Objections

The people who need disability insurance the most are often the ones to object to its price. It can seem counterintuitive at first, but when you think about it, it makes sense. Many seemingly affluent people are living paycheck-to-paycheck, or very close to it. If an...

Is A Disability Insurance Student Loan Rider Worth It?

Is A Disability Insurance Student Loan Rider Worth It?

Americans are being crushed under student loan debt. College graduates who succeed in getting a good job may be able to keep up with their monthly payments, but what happens when an injury or illness prevents them from earning a paycheck? A disability insurance policy...

What Does Freedom Mean to You and Your Clients?

What Does Freedom Mean to You and Your Clients?

On the Fourth of July, Americans will celebrate freedom with fireworks and barbecues. Specifically, the federal holiday celebrates the Declaration of Independence, but it’s also a good time to reflect on freedom in a broader sense. So what does freedom even mean? If...

It’s a Fantastic Time to Be Selling Income Protection

It’s a Fantastic Time to Be Selling Income Protection

Are you bullish on your DI sales for the rest of the year? You’re in luck. There are plenty of reasons to expect a favorable environment for income protection sales. Homeownership Is Up Many people bought homes during the pandemic. Now they need to protect those homes...

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