Americans are being crushed under student loan debt. College graduates who succeed in getting a good job may be able to keep up with their monthly payments, but what happens when an injury or illness prevents them from earning a paycheck? A disability insurance policy...
the dis blog
Retaining Top Talent – How Executive DI Benefits Can Help
We appear to be in the midst of a labor shortage. Employers are going to have to do more to retain top talent, and executive disability insurance benefits can help. Businesses are reopening post-pandemic, but they’re having a hard time finding workers. According to...
What Does Freedom Mean to You and Your Clients?
On the Fourth of July, Americans will celebrate freedom with fireworks and barbecues. Specifically, the federal holiday celebrates the Declaration of Independence, but it’s also a good time to reflect on freedom in a broader sense. So what does freedom even mean? If...
Portable IDI Benefits Have Even Greater Value in the Gig Economy
The gig economy is changing the way people work. It’s also changing the way they get benefits. This trend isn’t likely to reverse anytime soon, so it’s time to make sure people have access to the benefits they need, wherever their careers take them. What Is the Gig...
It’s a Fantastic Time to Be Selling Income Protection
Are you bullish on your DI sales for the rest of the year? You’re in luck. There are plenty of reasons to expect a favorable environment for income protection sales. Homeownership Is Up Many people bought homes during the pandemic. Now they need to protect those homes...
Seven Steps for More Productive Prospecting
Do you avoid prospecting? Many advisors do, but that’s like avoiding success. You can’t grow your business or increase your revenue without new prospects. Here are seven ways to make your prospecting efforts more productive. 1. Identify your ideal prospect. An...
A Sure-Fire Way to Lose A Paycheck Protection E&O Claim
This Is How to Lose a Paycheck Protection E&O Claim One common mistake could cause you to lose a paycheck protection E&O claim. Are you making it? According to an article that appeared in Insurance Journal, insurance brokers may be hit with a tsunami of...
What Does Washington’s Public LTC Program Mean for the Insurance Industry?
Washington has established the country’s first public long-term care program. This is big news, and although the law only impacts Washington residents, more states may follow suit in the future. How Does the Washington LTC Program Work? The Washington Long-Term Care...
Are Your Clients WOKE to the Need for Income Protection?
A lot of people are now woke – but are they woke about disability and paycheck protection issues? If your clients aren’t aware of the risks and options, they can’t take steps to protect their greatest asset – their paycheck. May is Disability Insurance Awareness...
Don’t Let Fear Stop You from Providing Paycheck Protection
Does paycheck protection make you nervous? You might not be alone. Some brokers seem to get uneasy when it comes to bringing up paycheck protection with their clients. Maybe they don’t know what to say. Maybe they’re worried they don’t know enough about the product....