Between the high odds of disability and the average person’s dependency on a steady paycheck, the need for disability insurance is clear. As an insurance agent, you know you should add DI to your solution suite, but you’re not sure how to get started. A good first...
the dis blog
Why It’s Smart to Have Paycheck Protection in a Volatile Economy
How many of your clients depend on their paycheck? The answer is probably most of them, possibly all of them. Unless your clients are independently wealthy, they depend on a steady paycheck. During the pandemic, many people have learned just how bad things can get...
Don’t Believe This Disability Myth: Why SSI Won’t Cover Your Clients
Social Security could run out of money, and the pandemic may have made the situation worse. According to a report released in April 2020, the Social Security’s Old-Age, Survivors and Disability Insurance (OASDI) trust fund is expected to run out by 2035. These...
How Disability Insurance Sales Can Change Your Career – and How to Get Started Today
Are you worried about your financial stability? Guess what – your clients are, too. By offering disability insurance, you can get the additional revenue stream you need, and your clients can get the paycheck protection they need. Offering disability insurance...
Don’t Let This Mistake Cost You DI Sales
If your disability insurance quote volume isn’t where you’d like it to be, chances are high that one common mistake could be the culprit. You’re not following up enough. When it comes to disability insurance sales, persistence is key. Follow Up Matters Simply reaching...
Are You Providing Disability Insurance Quotes to Clients Under 40?
Many experts agree that financial planning should start early – the earlier, the better. Even people in their 20s and 30s should be planning for a financially stable future. This raises the question – why aren’t more financial planners and insurance agents offering...
Get Key Person Disability Insurance for Your Rain Makers
The business scenario: John Halen was the top sales person in the company … by far. The revenues generated by John surpassed those generated by three other sales professionals combined. The owner of the company, Marci Zanes, shuddered to think of what might happen to...
Many Financial Planners Are Ignoring a Key Part of Financial Preparedness
People count on financial planners for sound advice that will help them create a financially secure future. Unfortunately, many financial planners are leaving out a key piece of financial stability. Without a steady paycheck, most people’s finances will fall apart...
Disability Insurance: Essential for Clients with High Deductible Health Plans
In health insurance, there’s a tradeoff between deductibles and premiums. The higher the premium, the lower the deductible, and vice versa. High-deductible health plans (HDHPs) are attractive to many consumers, in part because of the relatively low premiums, but also...
The Online Insurance Experience: Does Your Website Deter Sales?
A good chunk of modern shopping is done online, and insurance is no exception. This was true before COVID-19, but the pandemic has accelerated the growth of online shopping. According to Forbes, 36% of consumers shop online weekly, up from 28% before the pandemic, and...