the dis blog

Disability Insurance Discounts for Government Workers

Disability Insurance Discounts for Government Workers

Don’t leave government workers out of paycheck protection discussions. According to the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics, there are more than 21 million federal, state and local government workers. That’s a huge market, and it’s not one that insurance agents should...

Paycheck Protection Lessons from the Pandemic

Paycheck Protection Lessons from the Pandemic

Several months ago, if someone had told you that the U.S. would pass a $2 trillion stimulus package while multiple states issued stay-at-home orders, you probably wouldn’t have believed it. The COVID-19 pandemic has turned our lives upside down. It’s also taught us...

Buy-Sell Disability Insurance

Buy-Sell Disability Insurance

Let’s say you and a friend decide to start a business. It’s not easy, but through hard work and dedication, you’re able to make it a success. Everything is great – until everything goes wrong. A serious health condition leaves your friend and business partner unable...

Help Business Owners Survive and Thrive

Help Business Owners Survive and Thrive

Agents: In these unprecedented times, it’s important to stay in close contact with your business owner clients. They are probably feeling uncertain. Set up a virtual meeting to connect. Be sure to ask them these questions: How up to date is your business protection...

Why Millennials Need Paycheck Protection Now

Why Millennials Need Paycheck Protection Now

Millennials have been blamed for “killing” a lot of industries, but disability insurance should not be on their chopping block. This generation craves financial security, and paycheck protection is a key element of that. Millennials are adults now. When you picture a...

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