the dis blog

My Disability Insurance Story

My Disability Insurance Story

About two years ago, I found myself in a situation that allowed for me to truly gain a sense of appreciation for disability insurance. Although I didn’t own a personal Disability Insurance policy, I finally understood the importance of protecting my most significant...

Essential Long-Term Care Insurance Facts

Essential Long-Term Care Insurance Facts

  November, which also happens to be Long-Term Care Awareness Month, is coming to an end, but the need for long-term care insurance is not. Before we say goodbye to the month, we’d like to leave you with some important numbers. Most striking is the gap between...

What Will Long-Term Care Cost Your Client?

What Will Long-Term Care Cost Your Client?

Without a plan for long-term care, most retirement plans are at risk. Clients know enough about the need for long-term care to be concerned, but not enough to know how to prepare. November is Long-Term Care Insurance Awareness Month. What better time to talk to...

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