Is the thought of a lengthy underwriting process preventing your clients from securing the paycheck protection they need? It doesn’t have to. Although many disability insurance policies require financial and medical underwriting that may involve invasive questions and...
the dis blog
A Win-Win Strategy to Increase & Protect Assets Under Management
As a financial planner, your goal is to get your clients on the right track to retirement but also to increase AUM, Assets Under Management. It’s a win-win for your clients and for you. Yet, while striving to achieve this goal, some financial planners neglect the one...
Insurance Sales Psychology Roundup
Psychology is an insurance broker’s best friend. A little insight into the human mind can help you overcome common objections as well as your own bad habits. Even better, you don’t have to have a degree in psychology to put these insurance sales psychology tricks to...
Taking Advantage of the Long-Term Care Insurance Tax Deduction
Americans are frighteningly unprepared for their future long-term care needs. Long-term care insurance offers a solution, and it’s more affordable when policyholders take advantage of the long-term care insurance tax deduction. A Looming Crisis You may have heard...
9 Insurance Sales Tools You Shouldn’t Go Without
Can you imagine trying to cut a steak with a spoon, or trying to mow your lawn with just a pair of scissors. To do something right, you need the right tools. If you’re selling disability insurance, the following nine insurance sales tools will make your job easier. 1....
Why GSI Key Person Disability Insurance Is the Solution You Need
You’ve heard of Guaranteed Standard Issue (GSI), but have you ever seen it used to underwrite key person disability insurance policies? Here’s how it works – and how it could be a life saver for the businesses you serve. The Advantage of GSI When getting a disability...
How to Help Business Owners Use Buy-Sell Disability Insurance as a Succession Planning Tool
Do you offer Buy-Sell Disability Insurance to your business owner customers? If you don’t, you could be leaving a significant amount of revenue on the table – not to mention opportunities to serve your customers better. The Market for Business Succession Planning...
Exploring the Underserved Blue-, Gray-, and Pink-Collar DI Markets
White-collar workers aren’t the only ones who need disability insurance: anyone who depends on a paycheck will benefit from coverage. Many blue-, gray-, and pink-collar workers are prime candidates. If you’re looking for new DI markets, give these underserved groups...
Tapping Into the Lucrative Market for Business Owners Disability Insurance
Many people need disability insurance, but few people need it as much as business owners. For insurance agents, business owners disability insurance is a particularly lucrative market. Keep reading to see why business owners have greater-than-average disability...
Selling Disability Insurance? 4 Groups Who Need Paycheck Protection
If you’re selling paycheck protection insurance, you have a big audience. Anyone who depends on a paycheck can benefit from disability insurance. However, some people need income protection even more than others. Just How Valuable Is Paycheck Protection Insurance? To...