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Your Blue Sky Disability Income Insurance Campaign

Your Blue Sky Disability Income Insurance Campaign

“Make hay while the sun shines” is a proverb originating in 16th-century England that means you should seize opportunities presented by a favorable set of circumstances. Summertime provides an excellent opportunity for your clients to “make hay” through financial...

Own-Occupation vs. Any-Occupation Disability Insurance

Own-Occupation vs. Any-Occupation Disability Insurance

You want the best disability insurance for your clients, so that means selling them own-occupation disability insurance – right? Not necessarily. Although own-occupation is certainly the best option for SOME workers, it may not be right for everyone. Learn more about...

Disability Insurance for Small Business Owners

Disability Insurance for Small Business Owners

Small businesses are a critical part of the American economy. The U.S. Small Business Administration says there were 33.2 million small businesses as of 2022. These businesses employed nearly half of all private industry workers in the U.S. Unfortunately, small...

Drip Marketing is Key to Insurance Sales Success

Drip Marketing is Key to Insurance Sales Success

It’s uncommon to close a sale during your first interaction with a prospect. Sales professionals know it usually takes multiple touches to close a deal. The exact number varies, but HubSpot says the average is around eight. That’s why most sales professionals...

Key Person Disability Insurance Premiums

Key Person Disability Insurance Premiums

It’s time to clear up some confusion about key person disability insurance premiums. Even though the policy provides coverage for financial losses associated with the disability of an employee, key person disability insurance performs differently than individual...

Disability Insurance for Pregnancy: What’s Covered?

Disability Insurance for Pregnancy: What’s Covered?

Does disability insurance cover pregnancy? It absolutely can. However, there are different types of disability insurance products, such as short-term disability insurance and long-term disability insurance, and the type of coverage needed may depend on whether the...

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