Get the Ultimate Long-Term Care Insurance Case Design Resource
Now, for the first time ever, every element of long-term care disability insurance case design has been compiled into one comprehensive handbook – The ULTIMATE LTCi Case Design Resource! Get it, and reference it every time you have a client with an LTCi need.
Download this resource today and learn:
- The role of Medicare and Medicaid
- How state Filial Laws can make adult children liable for parents’ long-term care debt
- How to establish coverage levels, max benefits and elimination periods
- Key features of Home & Community Care, Respite and Hospice benefits
- Which benefits can help unpaid caregivers such as spouses or children
- Which rider allows one spouse to tap in to the other’s benefits
- Why inflation protection is important
- How the Return of Premium rider works
- Which option allows the surviving spouse to receive benefits from the deceased spouse’s policy
- Key advantages of partnership-qualified policies
- How Lifetime Asset and Estate Recovery protections work
- And much, much more!
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